Marine Corps Marathon


Time left to ARO check in start

After Action Report

The 2024 After Action Report will be ‘live’ between: Sunday 27 October 2024 1700L and Saturday 2 November 2024 2359L.

The Event

The Marine Corps Marathon (MCM), often referred to as “The People’s Marathon,” is a celebrated annual marathon held in Washington, D.C., and its surrounding areas. Established in 1976, the event is organized by the United States Marine Corps and attracts runners from around the world, offering a unique opportunity to participate in a race steeped in military tradition and patriotic spirit. The marathon course winds through historic landmarks and scenic vistas, providing participants with breathtaking views of the nation’s capital while honoring the service and sacrifice of the U.S. armed forces. Known for its exceptional organization, enthusiastic support from Marines and spectators, and a strong sense of camaraderie among participants, the Marine Corps Marathon is a distinguished event that embodies dedication, resilience, and community spirit.

MCM and Amateur Radio

Amateur radio operators play a critical role in ensuring the smooth operation of the Marine Corps Marathon (MCM), providing vital communication support that enhances the safety and efficiency of the event. Each year, amateur radio volunteers are stationed throughout the marathon course, managing communications for medical and logistical needs, coordinating with public safety officials, and relaying important updates on runner progress and other critical information.

The involvement of amateur radio operators in the MCM highlights their expertise in emergency communication and their ability to maintain order and clarity in high-pressure situations. For instance, net control operators act as the central communication hub, coordinating between various teams and ensuring that messages are relayed efficiently and effectively. This role is essential for managing radio traffic and keeping all teams informed and connected throughout the marathon.

Operators are also stationed at key points along the marathon route, such as mile markers, water stations, food stops, and medical aid stations. Their real-time updates are crucial for addressing medical emergencies swiftly and ensuring that the race runs smoothly. The collaborative efforts between amateur radio operators and marathon organizers exemplify the societal value of ham radio in large public events.

Local amateur radio clubs play a significant role in supporting the marathon by recruiting volunteers and fostering a sense of community involvement. The dedication and professionalism of these volunteers, many of whom spend countless hours in preparation and training, are integral to the marathon’s success.

The Marine Corps Marathon’s reliance on amateur radio support underscores the enduring legacy of these volunteers in enhancing public safety and community spirit. This commitment to service is celebrated by both the marathon organizers and the broader community, highlighting the indispensable role of amateur radio in public service events.

Registration Links

  1. First you must register on the official MCM website here: This is a requirement of the Marine Corps Marathon Organization and is required for all MCM volunteers, not just amateur radio operators.
  2. You will then come back here and register here: This is necessary because we need additional information for assignment purposes, which cannot be filled on the MCM site.
    • You will then be automatically taken to a page asking you to fill in your ‘volunteer profile’.
    • Finally, your last step, you will be invited to apply to volunteer for the next Marine Corps Marathon.
  3. Note that you will later receive news of your assignment and be able to further modify your Ham Volunteers profile.

If you need any assistance, feel free to open a ticket on the Marine Corps Marathon Amateur Radio helpdesk here.

The entire registration process should take you approximately ten minutes.

Contact Us

To contact the MCM leadership team, you can either email us directly, or visit our helpdesk (which allows you to keep track of all your tickets).

Map Links

Direct link to MCM interactive maps:

Files to download

Operators’ Guide

Below is the link to download the current version of the Marine Corps Marathon 2024 Amateur Radio Operators’ Guide. Please look at the date of the version to know if this is your latest version.

Frequency Guide and Files

Below is the spreadsheet (in PDF) with the new Frequency Plan. This plan is completely rewritten from years past.

Version below updated 2024-10-14

RT Systems File

Below is the ‘generic’ csv file ready to be imported into your RT Systems application. See below for CHIRP instructions.

The file above, originally comes from an FT-7900 RT Systems file. Read below for further clarification.

Regarding RT, while the csv file is unique to the RT Systems Programmer (eg., a specific radio), RT Systems allows the import of any RT Systems generated csv export files into the correct format for any other radio regardless of make or model.  To be clear, RT Systems good practice is to cut and paste the new configuration into your list of existing channels …  or save the MCM only configuration of memories as a new RT Systems OMG file.

Regarding CHIRP, with the RT Systems exported csv file available above, one can cut and paste the appropriate columns from the RT Systems csv file into the downloaded CHIRP file as viewed in CHIRP. Note that some columns will need editing, for example the offset needs to be edited from “minus” and “plus” to “-” and “+”.  Another field that may require editing is the transmission power field.  For instance, the FT-7900 has four fields power levels:  Low, Mid2, Mid1, and High with High equal to 50 watts.  Conversely, and FT-60 only has three power settings.  Different yet again, in the case of a Boefang radio, the TX power need to be in watts, not levels. Unfortunately, there is no CHIRP one-size-fits-all approach. 

Finally, one can, of course, simply program one’s radio manually using the attached list for reference.

MCM News

  • As summer ends

    As summer ends

    As summer ends, the amateur radio component of the 2024 Marine Corps Marathon decided to send out one last email appeal for operators. To operators who had not yet signed up, the email called on them to do so citing that to meet our Marine Corps Marathon commitment, we do need more. This is our…

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  • 2nd News Update for 2024 Marine Corps Marathon

    2nd News Update for 2024 Marine Corps Marathon

    Thank you for your continued support and dedication. We recognize that last year presented significant challenges, with a high number of critical medical emergencies and early gauntlet exercises. We have thoroughly reviewed After-Action Reports (AARs) to address these issues and improve our operations. BEHIND-THE-SCENES PLANNING Rest assured that comprehensive planning for the 2024 Marine Corps…

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  • MCM2024 ARO effort launches

    MCM2024 ARO effort launches

    The Marine Corps Marathon 2024 initiative officially kicked off today with the opening of both the Marine Corps Marathon Organization website ( and the MCM ARO volunteer management platform on Ham Volunteers ( This marks the beginning of the concerted effort to recruit volunteers who will play a crucial role in the success of the…

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