Profiles of volunteers either registering for a specific opportunity or making themselves available organizers seeking volunteers that match their criteria.


If you need to change your callsign, contact support (see footer of this page).


Do you go by another name? This is what we'll call you if you enter anything here.
This is the email you registered with. It is also how you log into the site. To change this, contact support (see footer of this page).
Optional but useful
Phone lines
Where can we reach you?
Country of residence
State or province of residence
County or area of residence
City in which you reside
Your postal code

Required upload size: 0.01MB - 10MB

For security reasons, organizers need a photo of all volunteers. If you do not have it handy, you can come back later but your status will remain pending until a proper photo is uploaded. Upload a (preferably) square head shot without sunglasses or hat.
No Entries Found


Amateur radio licensing
If you are currently studying for the license or unlicensed, change this field accordingly.
Pick your highest, current class.
If unsure, pick the closest year

Asking you about your proficiency and expertise helps event organizers to better assign tasks.

This is what I consider to be my amateur radio level of competence or experience
0 - Just starting
10 - Highly experienced
This helps your event or opportunity's assignment managers to better match you to an assignment.
Specific proficiencies
Check those aspects of amateur radio for which you feel you are sufficiently proficient to perform duties autonomously.


List any relevant affiliations including clubs, auxiliary communication services, etc. This section is optional.
Please write the full club name, not just the abbreviation; e.g. write Montgomery County Auxiliary Communication Service, not MCACS.
Select this only if you have equipment that is relevant to your volunteering mission, otherwise you can disregard.


This section is optional.

Only list equipment that you believe is relevant to volunteering as you volunteer. If you mostly volunteer as a portable operator, no need to list your shack or base equipment. If you mostly volunteer mobile, then list what you have that is mobile. If you mostly volunteer from your base station then, yes, you can include base equipment.
What portable, mobile or base transceivers do you have that are relevant to your volunteering mission. Include, if relevant, what power you have to go with your transceiver(s).
If relevant, include support structures such as masts or towers. You can also include relevant tuners or measuring equipment.
Laptops and any amateur radio related software that can be useful. For example, if it's loaded and ready with winlink, logging software, or fldigi, etc.
Headsets, speakers, noise reduction, but also CW keys
If you have an HF or VHF/UHF go-kit that is ready to deploy, you can include a brief description of it here. A good example is a complete AREDN setup, or a POTA type box.
Tents, shelters, cots, but also safety vests, hard hats, or other safety related equipment that you might need if, for example, operating outdoors or setting up an antenna tower, etc.
Any equipment that does not fall into a category above, for instance a generator or measuring equipment.


This information is very relevant to giving you the 'right' assignment.
Open to new opportunities
Radius of opportunities
How far are you willing to travel to participate
Types of opportunities sought
Type of assignment(s)
This applies to both operators who opt into new opportunities or not. What type of assignment(s) can potentially interest you when volunteering, including events that you have opted into? Limited to seven choices.


Select 'Yes' only if you plan on ever bringing any vehicle to an event (including in the parking lot of said event)


Include any vehicles you might bring to an event. For many events, this information is made mandatory by law enforcement.


Drones are usually not authorized to fly over events and in specific jurisdictions. For when they are, if you do have a drone and are authorized to fly it, knowing so would be helpful.
Provide any useful details regarding your drone and its capabilities.
Describe you or your drone's current licensing
Radio beyond ham
Beyond amateur radio, which of these modes are you functionally familiar with? If a license or authorization is necessary, only check off the box if you are currently licensed or authorized. Those services requiring a license or formal authorizations are marked with an asterisk.
Personal fitness and mobility
0 - Severely restricted
10 - Highly fit and mobile
Optional: So as to better assign you to a task that is responsibly suited to your fitness level, with 0 being mobility restricted and 10 being extreme physical fitness, where would you rate yourself currently?
Non-radio qualifications
On very rare occasions, there is a need to know that someone has a qualification that could be used either in an emergency or a very specific scenario. This field is entirely optional, it serves to inform the organizers of those extra qualifications. IMPORTANT: ONLY LIST THOSE QUALIFICATIONS FOR WHICH YOU ARE LEGALLY CERTIFIED AND CURRENT - NOT RETIRED.

If you are here to sign up for a specific opportunity, e.g. the Marine Corps Marathon, after you submit this volunteer profile, you will be automatically redirected to a page where you will be able to request a specific assignment (subject to approval). If you have done so already, great, thank you and please disregard.